(Fredericksburg, VA) August 19, 2019 – When word of the City of Fredericksburg’s Fredanthropist program began circulating, it caught the eye of two of Fredericksburg Baseball’sprincipals — Lani Weiss, team president & COO, and her brother, Seth Silber. Always looking for
ways to enrich the community where the team will be located and believing the program’s core objective coincided with their core values, they contacted the City about the opportunity to participate.
“After reading more about the Fredanthropist program from ‘Fred Focus’ and getting an even better understanding about its objectives, we decided that it was something we really wanted to be a part of,” Mrs. Weiss explained to Clint Manning of the City’s Department of Economic Development &Tourism. In continuing, she said, “we are excited to be involved in this and to support the efforts that you all work so hard to achieve for the community.”
The team joins 11 other organizations and individuals as inaugural Fredanthropists: Hilldrup, Rappahannock Development Group, Lidl, Coldwell Banker Elite, Mrs. Mary Jane O’Neill, Mary Washington Healthcare, LifeCare Medical Transports, ILM Corporation, Mayor Mary Katherine Greenlaw, Team Pohanka (Honda, Hyundai, Nissan), and the GeMROI Company.
As first announced, future money from the program could help the City develop more events such as last year’s wildly successful SlideFXBG, improve park facilities and attract annual festivals. Additionally, money donated to the program will solely be used for said improvements and attractions; it will not be used within the city for other purposes.
In exchange for their support, Fredanthropists will receive year-long recognition, including being named on a rink-side dasher board at the Dixon Park roller-hockey rink, in the Fred Focus weekly newsletter and Parks and Recreation catalogs, and on Fredanthropist.org. They will also receive a special commemorative plaque recognizing their Fredanthropist designation.
The hockey rink is anticipated to be operational at the end of summer, thanks in large part to the generosity of these 12 Fredanthropists.
For more information on this philanthropic effort to help make a positive impact in Fredericksburg, kindly contact Clint Manning of the Department of Economic Development & Tourism at [email protected] or 540-372-1216.